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Posts Tagged ‘database testing’

Remember that our goal in agile BI development is the frequent release of production quality working software for user feedback and acceptance. At the end of each iteration or sprint, and each release our working product is expected to be of shippable quality, even in its most embryonic stages. This objective requires an entirely different approach to our quality assurance methods. Foremost it means integrating QA efforts right into our iterations.

Traditional BI development methods push system and acceptance testing to the end of the project cycle. This backend testing is typically manually intensive, possibly supplemented by the use of semi-automated tools. We need an entirely different testing discipline for Agile BI development. Continue reading “Automated Data Warehouse Testing” »

I fear that, “agile as the latest magic bullet” has crossed the chasm, but that “agile as a different way of behaving” has not."
- Ken Collier
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